Success stories
The Project The project aims to create the first version of FUEd: a powerful, responsive and integrated educational tool designed to keep pace with Industry 4.0, which will enable high school students to explore real-world problems through up-to-date technologies. This approach places curiosity and self-directed problem-solving at the heart of learning, allowing students to participate in collaborative research and citizen science experiments based around Industry 4.0 technology and equipping them with the skills they will need in the new world of work. [siteorigin_widget class="SiteOrigin_Panels_Widgets_EmbeddedVideo"][/siteorigin_widget] The Partners Maker: Farm Urban Ltd Farm Urban is a social enterprise started by bioscientists, Paul Myers and Jens Thomas, from the University of Liverpool.  We take science fresh from the lab to link leading research with local food production in the heart of the city. We specialise…
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