VIDEOS PHOTOS Hacking Policy for the Maker Movement European Parliament, May 22nd 2018 MakersTown 2018 Brussels, May 22nd 2018 Maker Faire Rome Rome, 1-3 December 2017 European Maker Faire Brussels, October 17th, Bozar Brussels, October 18th 2017, European ParliamentVicePresident Telicka and MEP PirinskiFrancesco Pezzuoli e Dario Corona www.limix.itAntonio Gagliardi www.blurhapsody.itFabien Benetou Opening virtual reality to the web, a tool to learn and discoverChristophe De Jaeger Project GENERATION Z, Hacktivating the CIty – a collaboration between GLUON, BOZAR and Ehb (Erasmus Hogeschool Brussels)Q&AOpenMaker consortium