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Take a look at our preliminary version and get in touch if you'd like to provide feedback.
Concept & Objectives
The OpenMaker Digital Social Platform (OM-DSP) will provide OpenMaker participants with a digital environment to stay engaged (online), thereby supporting participants to better develop their social capital and increase their social impact in terms of innovation, knowledge transfer, and business success. The OM-DSP will build on members’ concrete needs and values and bring them together in a community-building process, multiplying the innovation potential of each accelerator programme thanks to a novel approach to social platforms based on notions of shared values and trust-based networks. The platform is based on three main components:
- Value system component: scouting for innovators through artificial intelligent algorithms in social media channels and mapping existing platform users based on the preferences, skills and values shared
- Knowledge network component: data harvesting and rendering that produces users-tailored information about articles to read, events to attend or influencers to follow to transform knowledge into actionable, tailored information. This component includes also a section on “Challenges” (harvested through artificial intelligence -AI-) to which our users could respond and participate.
- Recommendation and trust component: probably the most unique feature of the DSP OM platform, this component generates specific recommendations for the users to connect with other platform members, based on similar or complementary skills or preferences and therefore enabling them to develop ad-hoc sustainable partnerships.
The platform will also monitor carefully the evolution of the communities and feed-back the network metrics of social impact and innovation success to their members.
From theory ... practice

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The OpenMaker Digital Social Platform (DSP) is not yet another social platform for the maker movement. We are not asking users to change their digital interactions and online behaviours. The final version of the DSP will mainly represent an aggregator of data generated by the maker community and traditional manufacturers, a harvester of the data already available on social media and, of course, on the web worldwide. More specifically, the DSP will locate the online presence and footprints of the member of the maker community. Thus, our aim is to map the network structure of the actors playing a role in the open manufacturing sector.