Open Maker and European Maker Week: Disrupt, create, make!
OpenMaker opened the European Maker Week The European Maker Week is an initiative promoted by European Commission and implemented by Maker Faire Rome in collaboration with Startup Europe, aim to draw European citizens to the “Maker world” and the FabLabs, Makerspaces, Hackersapce and the Hardware Startups Environment. OpenMaker hosted un unparalleled journey with makers, visionaries, game changers, politicians and influencers where we discovered cutting-edge experiences from across Europe, experimented prototypes and debated how to shape the future European policies for makers and industry. The “Maker Movement” is the name given to the increasing number of people coming from different backgrounds, who are employing do-it-yourself (DIY) and do-it-with-other (DIWO) techniques and processes to develop unique technologies and products as well innovative solutions. It became an emerging and dynamic social technology-based movement, embracing ‘Open…