Mahmut Karaca is a Maker studying Computer Engineering at Bogazici University in Istanbul, Turkey. He's been developing software for 6 years, and spends much of his off-time tinkering with new projects in the university lab. His current focus is his GyroHand project -- a glove fitted with gyroscopic sensors that relays the motion of the hand to a computer.
His motivation for developing the GyroHand is simple: "I want to complete the software side of it, so people can develop software for it too." It is in this spirit that he carries out much of his work: attending developer conferences and hackathons to meet other developers with similar curiosity. In fact, it is with the Arduino chip that he acquired during one of these conferences that he first started developing the GyroHand. He hopes that, once he has completed an API for the device, other developers will be able to work on software for the device, "like games or other control software."
You can find out more about Mahmut's projects on his website.
Read more about the GyroHand here.